Heather Dynes-Smit hand builder potter from Toronto, ON, at h squared gallery in Fernie, BC - Canadian potters, makers, and artists.

about the maker

Heather is a Toronto area ceramic artist. She is interested in the development of relationship created by placement and repetition, and the use of functional ceramics to create sculptural works. Her current body of work brings focus to form, function and simplicity of the utilitarian object.

Heather began her study of clay as a metal student at Kootenay School of the Arts in Nelson, BC.  This study and constant reference to metal continues in her soft slab handbuilt porcelain and wood fired ceramics.  Heather’s work has been exhibited at Craft Ontario, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, The Aurora Cultural Center.

She cites her early experiences of her Father, a canvas worker, teaching her the skill of pattern cutting as a major influence for her slab building.

Heather is fortunate to wood-fire her work with Bruce Cochrane, renowned potter and former head of Ceramics at Sheridan College (Oakville). She is one of a new generation of Canadian potters who incorporate traditional techniques with contemporary ideas.

Heather Dynes-Smit hand built slab ceramic art - drinking vessels.
